How to Delete Friend Request

How do I delete a friend request?
A friend request that you've received is a pending request until you accept or delete it. If you delete a friend request, the person who sent you the request won't be notified. You can prevent that person from sending you another friend request by blocking them.
To delete a friend request:
  1. Go to
  2. Click Delete Request
Note: if you reach 1,000 pending friend requests, you won't get any new requests.
How do I remove or cancel a friend request I sent to someone?
To cancel a friend request you sent:
  1. Click  at the top of any Facebook page
  2. Click Find Friends
  3. Click View Sent Requests
  4. Hover over Friend Request Sent next to the request you'd like to cancel
  5. Select Cancel Request > Cancel Request

Making Friends on Facebook


You should send friend requests to friends, family and other people you know and trust on Facebook. You can add a friend by searching for them and sending them a friend request. If they accept, you automatically follow that person, and they automatically follow you — which means that you may see each other's posts in News Feed. If you'd like to see updates from people you find interesting but don't know personally, like a journalist or celebrity, try following them instead.

To unfriend someone:
  1. Go to that person's profile
  2. Hover over Friends at the top of their profile
  3. Select Unfriend
The person you unfriended won't be notified.
If you don't want someone to see your profile, add you as a friend or send you a message, you can block them.
Note: If you unfriend someone, you'll be removed from that person's friends list as well. If you want to be friends with this person again, you'll need to add them as a friend again.

Like other Facebook Page

To like a Page as your Page:
  1. Go to the Page you want to like
  2. Click  below the Page's cover photo
  3. Select Like As Your Page
  4. Select a Page and click Submit
To see a list of all the Pages that your Page has liked, go to your Page and scroll down to Pages liked by this Page in the right column.
To see posts from Pages you've liked as your Page, go to your Page and click See Pages Feed in the right column of your Page.

View your Facebook Page Activity

Your Page's activity log helps you manage your Page's Timeline. It also shows you a list of posts and comments by your Page, including posts you've hidden, but not those you've deleted. Only people who help manage your Page can see the activity log.
To view your Page's activity log:
  1. Click Settings at the top of your Page
  2. Click Activity Log in the left column
From here, you can:
  • Hide or allow posts
  • Delete your Page's posts or comments

Cannot find your Facebook Page after you have log out?

If your Page has age or country restrictions, you won't be able to see it when you're logged out of Facebook.
To see your Page when you're logged out, you'll need to remove all age and country restrictions:
  1. Log into your account and go to your Page
  2. Click Settings at the top of your Page
  3. From General, click Country Restrictions, then click x next to any listed countries and click Save Changes
  4. Click Age Restrictions, select Anyone (13+) and click Save Changes

Problem in Creating Facebook Page?

If you're having trouble creating a Page:
  • Please make sure that the name of your Page follows our guidelines.
  • Keep in mind that only official representatives can create a Page for an organization, business, brand or public figure.
  • If you aren't an official representative and want to create a space for fans of a certain topic or celebrity, you can create a Facebook group.
Note: If you already have a Page, you can change your Page's name or username.

Names allowed for Facebook Page

Page names must accurately reflect the Page. Keep in mind that only authorized representatives can manage a Page for a brand, place, organization or public figure.
Page names can't include:
  • Terms or phrases that may be abusive or violate someone's rights.
  • Improper capitalization. Page names must use grammatically correct capitalization and may not include all capital letters, except for acronyms.
  • Symbols (example: ® ) or unnecessary punctuation.
  • Long descriptions, such as a slogan. People who manage Pages can add this information to a Page's About section.
  • Any variation of the word "Facebook." Learn more at Brand Resources.
  • Misleading words. If a Page isn't the official Page of a brand, place, organization or public figure, the Page name can't mislead others into thinking it's an official Page or that it's managed by an authorized representative.
Page names can't consist only of:
  • Generic words (example: Pizza). Pages must be managed by official representatives of the topics they're about.
  • Generic geographic locations (example: New York). However, you can create a Page name for an organization that represents a geographic location. For example, "New York City – Mayor's Office" and "Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain" are acceptable Page names.