What does the "Custom" privacy setting mean?

The Custom privacy setting lets you specify who is able and not able to view the content you share. When you choose Custom a pop-up box will appear. From the box, you can choose to share with or exclude specific networks, friends, and Friend Lists.

 If you're comfortable making something you share open to anyone on the internet, you can choose Public from the audience selector before you post. Public includes people who are not your friends on Facebook, people who are not in your school or work networks and anyone on the internet.

Yes, you can use the audience selector to change who can see anything you share after you share it.

Your friends may or may not see the things you share in their news feeds, depending on:
  1. The privacy setting for each post that you share. To control whether or not specific friends have the option to view your stories, you can change the settings for each piece of content you post.
  2. Your friends' news feed preferences. Your friends may request to view more content you share, or to hide content that you share.