What to do ,when you have done a mistake

Everyone makes bad choices sometimes. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't do everything you can to fix things. 
If you shared something you shouldn't have, the first step is to ask the people you sent it to not to pass it on. 
If someone else posted something you sent them, start by asking them to take it down. It's actually pretty effective most of the time. Remember not to do anything while you're mad: give yourself time to cool down and, if you can, talk to the person offline. 
If they refuse to take it down, don't try to get back at them by sharing private things they sent you, harassing them or getting your friends to gang up on them. For one thing, this almost always makes things worse. For another, the more you get back at them, the more it might look like it's just as much your fault as theirs.
If you're tagged in a photo that you don't like, remember that a lot of photo- sharing and social networking sites may let you take your name off any pictures you've been tagged in. On Facebook, you can also select to review posts you are tagged in before they post to your timeline under your privacy settings: facebook.com/privacy